Switched On Group is the industry best for service and delivery in the commercial & residential building and maintenance sector.

Amotai Registered

Switched On Group is proud to be verified & registered by Amotai as 50% Iwi-owned by Ngāti Toa. Amotai is an organisation that aims to promote broader outcomes for Māori and Pasifika-owned businesses across Aotearoa.

amotai og
Switched On Group are one of the businesses that
have met the criteria of being (at least) 50% owned
by Māori. This extends to Switched On Building
Solutions as part of the Switched On Group whānau.

Supplier diversity is an, important, inclusive, intentional, business
process that proactively, supports businesses owned by Indigenous
peoples, women, minority groups, and social enterprises.

This support aims to give them more opportunity to be engaged
in business-to-business supply chains. If you have any queries
regarding our Amotai registration, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.